Mass Enrollment Cards

Our Lady of Angels Association offers enrollment cards for all occasions. Those  enrolled share in the twelve Novenas of Masses offered annually for them and their intentions.

Many choose to keep cards on hand. This makes it more convenient when the need arises. After you   have used the card, simply fill out the intention form (which is inserted into each card) and send it along   with your offering to us. Our Lady of Angels Association will then enroll the person as you request and   replace the cards which you have used. You do not need to send the offering until the card is used.

At your option, Mass Enrollment Cards may be ordered below:

"*" indicates required fields

I would like to:*
(check all that apply)

Perpetual "A" (4 3/4" X 6 3/4")
$12.00 Offering
Inside View

Perpetual For Deceased (5 3/4" X 8 3/4")
$15.00 Offering
Inside View

Price: $12.00
Price: $15.00

5 Yr. Enrollment (5" X 7")
$6.00 Offering
Inside View

Healing Enrollment (5" X 7")
$10.00 Offering
Inside View

Inspirational Card (5" X 7")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Price: $6.00
Price: $0.00
Price: $5.00

Get Well Enrollment (5" X 7")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Birthday Enrollment (5" X 7")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Birthday Enrollment (5" X 7")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00

All Occasion (4 1/2" X 6")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Anniversary (5" X 7")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Special Occasion (5" X7")
$5.00 Offering
Inside View

Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00
If you are enrolling multiple people, please indicate card type for each enrollee name.
Your Name*
Your Address*
Please add to your contact list to ensure that email confirmations deliver to your inbox.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

U.S. and Canadian Card Orders Only

Payment Method
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
This amount will be billed to your credit card or PayPal.


Your offerings assist the Association in spreading devotion to Our Blessed Lady and in the education of seminarians and clergy. We also assist the priests, religious and laity whose programs minister to and with the poor. We deeply appreciate your kindness and generosity.