Devotion to Mary
Vincentian Supported Charities
Vincentian supported charities are meeting the needs of children, adults and families through:
Religious Education
Soup kitchens and food pantries
Emergency assistance – utilities, food, medicine, shelter, clothing, etc.
Medical care for the uninsured
Tutoring & mentoring in numerous locations throughout the United States.
Through your generosity, the Vincentian Community is able to staff and/or support many ministries. Below are a few examples:
Vincentians feed the hungry in their communities-
Vincentians provide meals seven days a week to feed the hungry in their parishes located in New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Greensboro, and Charlotte. Often this is the only meal some people eat that day. Food pantries also help supply food for the poor.
Vincentians make Catholic education available for the poor-
Education holds the key to a young person’s future. Vincentians provide needy children with tuition scholarships to attend Catholic Elementary and High Schools. Vincentians also provide after-school and summer classes in reading and mathematics, summer Bible school camps, and volunteer academic mentoring.
Vincentians provide shelter for the needy-
The Vincentian Community has established two shelter programs for those with housing needs. The “Inn Dwelling” program renovates and rehabilitates homes and sells them to low-income families. “Potter House” is a shelter for “recovering” homeless men. In addition to housing, these two programs offer job training, counseling, financial guidance, and schooling for adults and children.
Vincentians help Immigrants-
Teams of Vincentian priests and brothers with the assistance of sisters and laity work in New York City, Philadelphia, Charlotte, and Greensboro with Hispanic/Latino, Vietnamese and other immigrants. They help these newly arrived individuals and families learn English, and help with housing, job searches, and medical needs. They arrange to have our new brothers and sisters enroll in parishes so that they can attend Mass and receive the other Sacraments.