Easter Enrollment Cards and Votive Lights

Please include me and those I have listed below in the 3 Easter Novenas beginning Easter Sunday:

"*" indicates required fields

Please send me the following cards to enroll my loved ones in the Easter Novenas of Masses:

Card Orders Must Be Made By March 18th - U.S. and Canada Only
Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00
Price: $5.00

U.S. and Canadian Card Orders Only

Price: $5.00
Price: $25.00
Price: $50.00
Your offering will be used to assist our Vincentian priests and brothers who are working with the poor in both our rural and urban parishes.
Please add novena@niagara.edu to your address book to ensure delivery to your inbox and not spam folder.
Select Payment Method (Credit Card or PayPal)
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa